Reinhard Kramm got a taste of the sea and sailing on the Alster and the North Sea, but did not set foot on his first yacht until the tender age of sixty.
Packed his backpack for years. Slept more than 50 days below the Grand Canyon Rim. Walked through deserts in southwest USA and Namibia. Emptied water from his boots in southwest Tasmania and Vancouver Island. Toughed his way over passes and peaks in Graubünden, his home.
The older he got, the heavier the backpack weighed. And the question: What is missing in this life to make it a good life?
The decision fell on the 35-year-old steel ketch REYKJA and the sea as a habitat. Five years of preparation, certificates and exams, studying literature, websites, magazines. In the summer of 2020, Reykja definitely cast off in Fehmarn / Baltic Sea.
As a journalist, Reinhard has learned not always to neatly separate sea yarn and reality (enhance reading appeal). As an ethicist, he is fascinated by human and technical dilemmas. As a theologian, he believes that even in a rusty steel boat beats a good heart. The blog tells the stories.